Pre-Clinical Studies

PET™ was evaluated by pre-clinical studies to test the efficacy of PET™ in drug formulations. Listed below are three of the pre-clinical studies done by our scientists to document the increased efficacy of drug permeation brettspiele.

Diclofenac Acid

OBJECTIVE: Evaluation of the in vitro percutaneous (skin) permeation of 1% Diclofenac Acid gel prepared with PET™ delivery system soundcloud liederen legal. Permeation results are compared to an experimental control (1% Diclofenac Acid containing no PET™) and a commercially available preparation of 1% Diclofenac Acid (Voltaren® Emulgel) free compass.
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OBJECTIVE: Evaluation of the in vitro percutaneous permeation enhancement of 1% clotrimazole preparation containing 4% PET™ download the audiobook for free. Permeation results are compared to an experimental control (1% clotrimazole gel without PET™) and, a commercially available preparation of 1% clotrimazole (Lotrimin® AF topical solution) netflixen ipad.
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OBJECTIVE: Evaluation of the in vitro percutaneous permeation enhancement of a testosterone gel containing 8% PET™ netflix pc herunterladen. Permeation results are compared to an experimental control (testosterone gel without PET™).
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